Leka Research Institute

Research and Economic Consulting

Research and Economic Consulting

We provide research and economic consulting, including quantitative analytics to research and Tink-tank organizations. We use quantitative analytics to measure the probability of an event occurring – measuring in risk measurements. We use regression analysis and machine learning methods to provide Quantitative Analytics and Model Validation services to financial institutions including, Community Banks, Credit Unions, and Federal Home Loan Banks. We have vast knowledge in the following technical fields.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical risk analysis scores can provide valuable input in decision-making under uncertainty. LRI covers all modern statistics, figures, and probabilistic modelling and their use in risk management and related areas.



Econometrics comprises the formulation of scientific and mathematical models to represent physical world economic systems, whether the entire economy, or industry, or an individual business. LRI offers the required knowledge, expertise, and experience to conduct sophisticated Econometric Modeling for businesses.